1. Mao Lulu rabbit skin is the main factor. After the Spring Festival this year, major exporters from South Korea and Italy have strong demand, especially South Korea. Compared with exports in the domestic market, demand is stable, there is no movement in Zhejiang Chongfu, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, the main demand for clothing Road, Wuhan's domestic market from the beginning of August on the Maoling Lu demand for rabbit skin.
2. Except in 2005, the season has had little effect on the price of hides in recent years.
3. Affected by the previous years, the overall scale of domestic farming has increased, but supply and demand have slowed down in the later period as excessive slaughtering and breeding scales on farms have decreased. Therefore, the number of skins put into the market this year will be less than the market demand.
4. In 2006, in terms of market development, in addition to traditional clothing, fur collars, and braided roads, Rex Rabbit Leather was also used on women's shoes, winter clothing liners, and hats worn by Russians.
5. There is a large increase in the prices of other furs, leaving room for the price increase for Rex Rabbits. In mink skins, mink skins that are most comparable to those of raccoon rabbits have risen to 360 yuan. Therefore, manufacturers will try to develop rex rabbit skin garments that can be replaced at a relatively low price, so that prices for rabbit skins will rise.