Fungus, alias black fungus, light fungus. The mycological classification belongs to the Basidiomycetes, Murichae, Fungus family. It is dark brown in color, soft in texture, delicious in taste, rich in nutrition, and pleasing to the eye. It not only adds flavor to Chinese dishes, but also nourishes the skin, leaving skin ruddy, radiant, and preventing iron deficiency anemia and other diseases. Medicinal efficacy. Mainly distributed in Heilongjiang, Jilin, Fujian, Taiwan, Hubei, Guangdong, Guangxi, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. It grows on the rotten wood of over 120 kinds of broad-leaved trees, such as oysters, poplars, sassafras, and sassafras, solitary or grouped. At present, artificial cultivation is mainly based on eucalyptus and bag materials.
Fungus nutrition
Black fungus fruit body colloidal, into a disk-shaped, irregular ear-shaped, diameter 3-12 cm. Soft when fresh, dry and horny. With a delicate taste and special flavor, it is a well-known edible mushroom with rich nutrition. Dried black fungus contains sugar, protein 10.6 grams, fat 0.2 grams, calories 306 joules, amino acids, vitamins and minerals. Water hair fungus protein [3] is very low, 100 grams containing 1.5 grams. It is good for gas, hunger, mildness, intelligence, bleeding, pain relief, and blood circulation. It is rich in polysaccharide colloid and has good smoothness. It is an important health food for mine workers and textile workers. Also has certain anti-cancer and cardiovascular disease [function.