Lentils, annual herbaceous, stalked, leaflet lanceolate, flowers white or purple, capsule oblong, flat, slightly curved. Seeds white or purple black. Nen is a common vegetable and seeds can be used as medicine.
Main components
Seeds contain 22.7 grams of protein per 100 grams of fat, 1.8 grams of fat, 57 grams of carbohydrate, 46 milligrams of calcium, 52 milligrams of phosphorus, 1 milligram of iron, 247 milligrams of calcium and magnesium phytinate, 1232 micrograms of pantothenic acid, and 2.44 milligrams of zinc. The seeds contain trypsin inhibitor, amylase inhibitor, hemagglutinin A, B; also contain stigmasterol, phospholipids, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose, glucose, galactose, fructose, starch, cyanogenic glycosides, Tyrosinase and so on. Soybean meal contains pipecolic acid-2 (Pipecolic acid). Contains protein, vitamins B1. and C, carotene, and contains sucrose, glucose, stachyose, maltose and raffinose; also contains 1-pipecolic acid and toxic phytohemagglutinin. Another contains stigmasterol, phospholipids and so on.