Helianthus tuberosus, also known as Jerusalem artichoke, is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Asteraceae. Originating in North America, it was introduced to Europe in the 17th century and was later introduced to China. Autumn flowering, long yellowish small flowers, shaped like chrysanthemums, generally used for tuber propagation in production, underground tubers are rich in starch, inulin and other fructose polymers, can be eaten, cooked or porridge, marinated pickles, Dried Jerusalem artichoke, or made starch and alcohol raw materials. Ground stems can also be added to work feed. The tubers or stems and leaves of the medicine have beneficial effects of water dehumidification, heat-quenching, blood-heating, and stomach-invigoration. The land near the house has a landscaping effect. Jerusalem artichoke is called by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization as a “common crop for humans and livestock in the 21st centuryâ€.
The root tube contains inulin, sucrose 1F-β-D-fructosyltransferase, ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphatecarboxylase, and ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphatecarboxylase. ) Polyphenol oxidase, inulase, fructo-oligosaccharides. Leaves contain heliangine, tagitinin E, and erioflorin. Leaf glandular hair contains leptocarpin, 14-hydroxyleptocarpin, budlein A, budlein A tighate , Budlein A2-methylbutyrate, Budlein A isobutyrate, Budlein A methylacry-late, 4,5-iso-Butalead A isobutyrate (4,5-iso-budlein Aisobutyrate), 4,15-iso-Ablumapolicolide isobutyrate (4,15-iso -a-tripliciolide isobutyrate) 4,15-iso-atripliciolide methyl acrylate (4,15-iso-atripliciolide methyl acrylate) 4.15-iso-atripliciolide tiglate, 4,15-iso-atripliciolide angelate, 3-hydroxy-abulipliolide lactone 3-hydroxy-atripliciolide tiglate, 8β,14-dihydroxy costunolide, desacetyleupaserrin, 1 4-acetoxy tlthifolin epoxyangelate, 1α,2-dihydroxy pinnatifidin, pyrenocin ) A, B, jasmonic acid, methyl β-D-glucopyranosyl tuberonate, methyl β-D-glucopyranosylglyceride (Meβ- D-glucopyranosyl helianthenate) A, B, C, D, E, F, Me tuberonic acid giucoside. The above-ground volatile oil contains helithol A, and the aromatic component mainly contains β. - Beta-bisabolene.