The TCD detector may be contaminated by deposits from the column or other substances entrained in the sample during use. Once the TCD detector is contaminated , the instrument's baseline exhibits jitter and increased noise. It is necessary to clean the detector.
   The TCD detector HP thermal cleaning method may be adopted, specifically as follows: Close the detector, the column was removed from the joint detector, the detector oven and die block splicing blocked, the gas flow rate setting reference To 20 ~ 30 ml / min, set the detector temperature to 400 °C , hot cleaning for 4 ~ 8 h, can be used after cooling.
The following methods can be used for domestic or Nissan TCD detector contamination. After the instrument is shut down , remove the gas inlet of the TCD , and sequentially inject acetone (or toluene , depending on the chemical nature of the sample) with 50 ml syringe. The ethanol and distilled water are repeatedly injected from the air inlet 5 to 10 times. , the slow ball with a suction Seoul blow from the air inlet, and the residual liquid is blown out impurities, and then re-install the inlet connector, the column temperature was raised to 200 is turned on after deg.] C, the detector temperature was raised to 250 deg.] C, passed ratio analysis operation 1 to 2 times large stream of carrier gas, until the baseline is stable.
For heavily contaminated, the outlet may be blocked with blocking die, from the intake port filled with acetone (or toluene, can choose different solvents depending on the chemical nature of the sample), holding about 8 h, the waste liquid is discharged, as described above and then deal with.
   Cleaning FID detector: F ID detector, in use, good stability, relatively low requirements, the use of common, but in the course of prolonged use, easy to detect and collector nozzle carbon deposition problems, or organic Deposition or the like at the nozzle or collector.    For problems such as FID deposits or organic deposits , the detector nozzle and collector can be cleaned with an organic solvent such as acetone, toluene or methanol. When the carbon deposit is thick and cannot be cleaned , the thicker part of the detector can be carefully sanded with fine sandpaper. Be careful not to damage the detector during the grinding process. After the initial grinding is completed , the contaminated part is further wiped with a soft cloth , and then the organic solvent is finally used for cleaning , which is generally eliminated.
Green Coffee Bean Extract is made from the green beans of the coffea Arabica plant.
There are two types of coffee plants, arabica and robusta. The arabica is higher in quality and higher in chlorogenic and caffeic acids, two primary compounds responsible for anti-oxidant activity. Coffee might have anti-cancer properties, and researchers found that coffee drinkers were 50% less likely to get liver cancer than nondrinkers.
Product features:
1. Special large package for industrial raw material sales(10kg/20kg);
2. 100% pure coffee;
3. Good instant solubility;
4. Stable raw material origin and long-term supply
Losing weight.
Anti-virus; Anti-bacteria; Anti-cancer; Anti-aging; Anti-infectious.
Lowering toxicity.
Lowering blood pressure.
Reducing the risk of diabetes.
Help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.
Green coffee bean has strong anti-oxidant properties similar to other natural anti-oxidants like green tea and grape seed extract. Green Coffee Beans have polyphenols which act to help reduce free oxygen radicals in the body. Green Coffee Bean Extract is sometimes standardized to more than 50% Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic Acid is the compound present in coffee which has been long known as for its beneficial properties. This active ingredient makes green coffee bean an excellent agent to absorb free oxygen radicals; As well as helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both which contribute to degradation of cells in the body.
Coffee Green Hydrochloric Acid
Coffee Bean Extract,Robusta Coffee Extract,Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract,Coffee Green Hydrochloric Acid
Yunnan New Biology Culture Co,.Ltd ,