Method for controlling the sex of fish

Controlling the sex of fish is an effective way to increase fish production. The use of sex hormones in general can induce the gender of fish to develop in the direction that people want. There are two types of sex hormones: male sex hormones secreted by the testes and female sex hormones secreted by the ovaries. The primordial reproductive epithelium of fish has both components of the medulla defining the development of the female and the development of the male. Under the action of estrogen, the cortex is partially oxidized into the ovary, and the medulla is not developed but the female is female with egg-laying reproductive function; conversely, under the action of androgens, the fish become male.

Therefore, in the development of fishery production, if you want to increase the amount of fish such as female squid and squid, you can use estrogen for treatment, that is, when larvae start to feed in the fry pool, add a certain amount of benzoic acid to the feed. Alcohol, continuous treatment for 2 to 3 months, the proportion of females can reach about 95%. Similarly, male fish such as tilapia and scutellaria are treated with androgen methyl testosterone to obtain more than 99% of male fish. Treated fish have a single sex, a fixed density, not only rapid growth, but also low cost, generally can increase production by about 30%.

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