Researchers in China and France have found a "two-shot" anti-cancer method
June 11, 2018 Source: Xinhuanet
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The results of this study were published in the latest issue of the American Journal of Applied Physics Communications. Chinese and French researchers use "gas embolization therapy" to block blood vessels that provide nutrients to tumor tissues. They inject droplets of tens to hundreds of nanometers in diameter into the blood vessels around the tumor, and then use ultrasound to turn the droplets into bubbles. Air bubbles are sufficient to cause embolization of the small arteries, thereby blocking the tumor from gaining nutrients.
The researchers used experiments in rat tissue to find that while "starved" tumors, these bubbles also entered the capillaries at the relevant site, causing the capillaries to rupture.
Feng Yi, the first author of the thesis and associate professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Xi'an Jiaotong University, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that capillary network is prone to damage in “gas embolism therapyâ€, which is conducive to local release of drugs in tumor lesions.
According to the paper, chemotherapeutic drugs reach the body with blood circulation. After the blood vessels around the tumor are blocked, the chemotherapeutic drugs can stay in the tumor for a longer period of time, which is expected to reach the same at lower doses. The therapeutic effect.
The researchers said that cancer treatment has two goals, namely, killing tumors and reducing the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. "Gas embolization therapy" has two effects.
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