1, red eggplant pear. For tomato pear bud change. The fruit is large, with an average fruit weight of 131 grams, showing a gourd shape. The skin is purplish red, the fruit surface is smooth and has a waxy luster, and the fruit spot is small. The flesh is milky in white color, with fine texture, lots of sap, less stone cells, slightly sweet and sour taste, containing 11% to 13% of soluble solids. The fruit ripens in early August and is not resistant to storage. It can be stored for about 15 days. The plant grows moderate and has a strong sprouting force. After 4 years of colonization, the adult tree was dominated by short fruit branches, and there were fewer fruit fall before harvest and more yield and stable yield. 2. August red. The fruit is ovoid, with an average fruit weight of 262 grams and a maximum fruit weight of 453 grams. The fruit surface is smooth and the fruit is small and dense. The skin is thick, the background color is yellowish, and the sun surface is red. The coloring area accounts for about 1/2 of the fruit surface. The flesh is milky in white color with fine and crisp flesh, less stone cells and more juice, containing 11% of soluble solids. The fruit matures in mid-August and can be stored for about 20 days. The tree is strong, the young tree stands upright, and the result gradually opens. Saplings are the result of long fruiting branches and alfalfa flowering buds, and adult trees are the result of medium and short fruiting branches. Since the flowers are not strong enough, early pears, Dangshan pears, and Qinku pears can all be pollinated trees. This variety is highly resistant to pear black spot disease, ringworm disease, and rot disease, and is more resistant to rust and black spot. 3, red crisp. If the fruit is big, the average fruit weight is 220 grams, the maximum fruit weight is 480 grams, and the spindle shape. Peel background green yellow, 2/3 red fruit surface, smooth, waxy thick, no fruit rust. The flesh is white, fine, with few stone cells and lots of juice. The soluble solids content is 13% to 14%. Storage resistance, can be stored at room temperature for 2 months. The plant has a strong growth potential and its tree posture is open. Since the flowers are not strong enough, it is advisable to use Dangshan Pear and Snowflake pears as pollination trees. The results began 3 years after colonization, and the results were mainly short-fruit branch results. The fruit matured in mid-September, and the fruit drop before harvest was not obvious, and the yield was high and stable. This species is highly resistant to scab, more resistant to ringworm than red spider.
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