Birth defects are abnormalities in the structure or function of the baby at the time of its birth. These abnormalities may lead to physical and mental disability, and may even lead to the death of infants before their first birthday. If you understand the nutritional needs of pregnant women during pregnancy or necessary dietary supplements, these known tens of thousands of birth defects can actually be prevented.
Pregnant women are more common in the lack of vitamin B9, the more common folic acid. Jennifer, director of clinical nutrition at the Mayo School of Health Sciences in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, believes that lack of these vitamins in the mother’s diet can lead to neural tube defects in infants, such as spina bifida and anencephaly, because the fetus’s brain and spinal cord are usually pregnant. The first three months began to develop. In infants with spina bifida, the spine is not fully closed and can cause nerve damage and paralysis of both legs. Brainless infants and young children cannot survive because most of the brain fails to develop.
Therefore, sufficient folic acid should be obtained before and during pregnancy, especially in the first three months to prevent the baby from having neural tube defects. The recommended daily intake of folic acid for adults is 400 micrograms, and folic acid is found in many foods. High folic acid foods include green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, orange juice, dried beans, peas, and fruits.
Another essential vitamin that can prevent neural tube defects is B12. For women, the recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is 2.4 micrograms per day and 2.6 micrograms per day during pregnancy. Dairy products, meat, poultry and eggs are good sources of vitamin B12. Like folic acid, women need to add enough vitamin B12 before conception and during pregnancy to reduce their risk of neural tube defects. If your intestinal function is disturbed, it may hinder the absorption of vitamin B12. Similarly, those women who seldom eat or do not eat meat, eggs, and dairy products at all, can easily cause vitamin B12 deficiency.
Jennifer believes that women with single or dietary diets may also develop neural tube defects in babies because the baby's various nutrient requirements are so high that the mother's caloric intake is very important.
Other infant diseases caused by improper diet of pregnant women include:
Congenital heart disease: riboflavin (vitamin B2), niacin (vitamin B3) in the diet of pregnant women are too low, and babies are prone to congenital heart disease, especially if pregnant women like to eat a diet high in saturated fat. Low-fat or fat-free dairy products, animal livers, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of vitamin B2, and chicken, fish, liver, nuts and whole grains are rich in vitamin B3.
Gastrointestinal fissure: Pregnant women have low levels of protein or zinc in their diets and pregnant women have a low body mass index (BMI), which is positively correlated with infants' risk of gastritis. In addition, maternal malnutrition or smoking during pregnancy may also cause gastritis.
Congenital hemorrhoids: In the absence of vitamin B12, vitamin E, calcium, vitamin A and selenium in the diet of pregnant women, babies may suffer from congenital spasms. Pregnant women can reduce their risk by taking vitamin supplements.
Cleft palate: Pregnant women who are on a diet or malnourished may give birth to chapped babies. The lack of folic acid and vitamin A in the mother's diet is associated with the baby's isolated chapped (non-cleft lip).
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Pregnant women should also avoid alcohol to prevent the birth of babies suffering from alcohol syndrome.
Whether you are a mother or a baby, it is important to obtain the right amount of nutrients. If you can't get the vitamins you need through food, you can consult a doctor, take vitamin supplements, and supplement iron and calcium properly. This is crucial for the developing fetus. Poor eating habits not only increase pregnant women's risk of pregnancy, but may also lead to premature birth and even high-risk pregnancies.
Therefore, mothers must remember to plan their diet according to their own health and the baby's health to meet the body's nutrients.
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