Occurrence and Control of Grape Anthracnose

Grape anthracnose is one of the major diseases of grape. The occurrence of severe disease in the southern Fujian grape production area is prone to cause a large amount of fruit rot in rainy years, resulting in a bumpy harvest. In addition to harming grapes, the disease can also harm apples and pears. 1. Symptoms Grape Anthracnose mainly damages the ear, but also invades vines and shoots, leaves and tendrils, but usually does not show symptoms. It is more likely to occur on colored or near-mature fruits. The young green fruits do not show obvious symptoms until the fruit is stained. Onset occurs on the fruit surface with large round brown spots on the fruit surface. The lesions expand into slightly concave spots, and the surface gradually grows out of the black spots arranged in a rouleau, namely the conidia disc of the pathogen. The disease spread rapidly in the fruit near maturity, and quickly expanded to half or the entire fruit surface, the fruit soft rot, easy to fall off or dehydration and shrinkage into a stale fruit. 2, the pathogenic conditions of pathogenic growth and development temperature is 20 ~ 30 °C, 6 ~ July field temperature has been more than meet the needs of disease development, the key is rainfall, rainfall is more conducive to germinating spores germination, bacteria are also more popular. Wherever the rows of plants are too dense, excessive branching, poor ventilation and light transmission, and an orchard with high humidity in the field are conducive to the long-term spread of germs, and the incidence is heavy. Excessive management, sweeping of the fields is not complete, and the orchards with more sick fruits hanging on top are more likely to become ill. Low-lying terrain, poor drainage, high groundwater levels, and heavy orchard problems in the orchard. There was a significant difference in resistance among varieties, rose savory, milk, Riesling, Baoergar, Longan, Kyoho, Black Olin and other varieties were seriously ill, while Garry, Black Pisces, and Italian varieties were less susceptible. 3. Forecast the date of the earliest appearance of spores as the basis for the first spraying. In the late autumn, hundreds of disease-free leaves were collected from the seriously diseased orchards. After drying, they left petioles. In the second year of spring, the petioles were bundled and bundled and hung in the empty ore located farther away from the orchard, connecting the funnel and the glass bottle. Every time after the rain, collect the rainwater inside the bottle and check whether there is any spores under the microscope. Once the spores are found, spray immediately. 4, control measures to eliminate the winter fungus. During pruning, the cut sub tendons, tendrils, and fruit stems are removed, together with the ear, dead fruit, and dead leaves that have fallen on the ground, and are burned or buried together. The other can be sprayed 1 to 2 degrees before germination. Lime sulfur agent to eradicate wintering bacteria. Strengthen cultivation management. During the growth period, the vines should be rigged and the secondary shoots should be taken off in time, and the branches should be properly kept to avoid excessive densification of the shoots to improve negative light transmission conditions. For low-lying land patches, attention should be paid to timely drainage after the rain, reduce the humidity in the field, and control disease infestation. We must rationally apply fertilizers, increase tree vigor, and improve the ability of trees to resist diseases. Dormant period control. Before the grapes are spread out, the results of the mother spraying agent, available Baume 3 degrees lime sulfur + 200 times sodium pentachlorophenol; 200 times the United States Fumei arsenic + 100 times the Corbicolate, etc., to spray the meticulous, thorough, try to avoid leakage spray. Spray before and after grape sprouting. Can spray 1:0.7:200 times more wave fluid, 80% of Dasheng M ~ 45 800 times liquid, 80% Dafudan Dan WP 600 ~ 800 times and other strong bactericidal agents, even spray 2 or 3 times until the year The base of the new shoot was wooded (about the beginning of July). Sprayed after July. The focus of spraying is to protect the ear, spray once every 10 to 15 days, and stop spraying until 15 days before harvesting. The available dosage is 1:0.5:200 times Bordeaux mixture, 80% of Dasheng M-45 800 times liquid, 65 % Zedexite zinc WP can be used 500 to 600 times, 80% spray WP WP 800 times, and 30% Green Depot 400 to 500 times liquid wheels to alternately use to avoid drug resistance. 5. Pay attention to the following points in the process of chemical control: Pay attention to supplement spray after the rain, and spray a strong fungicide to kill the invading spores that will germinate. Before the fruit is harvested, a protective fungicide can be sprayed to reduce pesticide residues in the fruit. In order to improve the efficacy and increase the adhesiveness and reduce rain erosion, 3000 times hide glue or other adhesive can be added to the liquid.

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