Chinese and foreign studies reveal the cellular immune counterattack in patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome

Chinese and foreign studies reveal the cellular immune counterattack in patients with Middle East respiratory syndrome

August 8, 2017 Source: Xinhua News Agency Author: Lin Xiaochun

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Researchers from China, the United States, and Saudi Arabia reported in a new issue of the journal Science and Immunology on August 4 that they first revealed the body's target for this deadly disease by studying blood samples from patients with MERS. The mechanism of cellular immune "counterattack". This lays the foundation for assessing the patient's prognosis and developing relevant vaccines.

The study was conducted by Professor Zhao Jincun of the State Key Laboratory of Respiratory Diseases of Guangzhou Medical University, Professor Stanley Perlman of the University of Iowa, USA, and Dr. Abil Ashkeley of the Special Hospital and Research Center of King Faisal of Saudi Arabia. Collaboration.

Zhao Jincun told Xinhua News Agency that the previous research focused on human antibodies. However, some patients with MERS have a short duration of antibody response and low levels, so they turned to analyze the same important role in the human immune system. T cells.

Using blood samples from 21 Saudi patients, they found that the MERS-CoV infection induces a T cell response, and most patients with low antibody levels can detect CD8+ T cell responses. This finding is internationally For the first time.

Further studies have shown that antibody and T cell response levels in patients with MERS are associated with disease severity.

This study identified multiple T cell epitopes that could serve as targets for human vaccine design. Doctors can use these T cell epitopes to effectively monitor the efficiency of vaccine-induced T cell responses in humans.

The Middle East Respiratory Syndrome was first discovered in Saudi Arabia in 2012. Patients have respiratory problems and can cause death in severe cases. Currently, scientists are developing a variety of Middle East respiratory syndrome vaccines, but no effective vaccine has been approved for use in humans.

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