The fastest and highest recovery concentrator

Gently concentrate your protein with the fastest products on the market

Can be concentrated most quickly to get the highest recovery

To increase concentration efficiency, Vivaspin® Turbo15 features a double-row vertical membrane for rapid concentration and a sharp-angle dead volume collector for safer concentration and easier collection.

Apply for a trial:

1. From now on, log in to the online feedback page of the Sartorius website to apply for a trial, leaving your trial number, you can get two free trials of the Sartorius Vivaspintubo15.

2. From now on, send the unit name, contact person, address, phone number, required molecular weight cut-off, trial number to res., and get two free trials of Vivaspin® Turbo15.

Top 300, first come first served. The trial package will be issued around the 10th of the month following your application.

3. For more information, please call: 400.920.9889|800.820.9889

Apply for trial now

Features and benefits

Smooth interior design – ensuring the fastest filtration speed throughout the centrifugation process

· Unique sharp-angle dead volume collector - collects the smallest possible volume concentrate to ensure the highest recovery rate of 150-200μg/cm2

·High chemical compatibility - withstand PH1-14

· Polystyrene housing - able to withstand NaOH and a variety of organic solvents, while resisting cracking caused by the external environment (such as 10% acetonitrile)

Ordering Information:

Note: The final interpretation of this activity belongs to Sartorius.

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Central Gas Supply System

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