The first global influenza data sharing program may help fight out the outbreak of human infectious diseases
January 18, 2017 Source: Bio Valley
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The researchers point out that despite the current human outbreaks of numerous disease outbreaks, the GISAID program can encourage scientists around the world to share data such as disease outbreaks internationally. Through the successful tracking of data in the field of influenza, the GISAID program can contribute to the promotion of global human health, mainly in the following areas:
1) Organize the most complete repository of high quality influenza data worldwide;
2) Promote rapid sharing of information data during disease outbreaks;
3) Provide strong support for the screening of strains for seasonal influenza vaccines by the World Health Organization;
4) Develop a corresponding strategy for conflicts in virus data sharing;
5) Build trust relationships in different countries to promote the preparation of a global pandemic.
Researcher Stefan Elbe pointed out that how to encourage rapid international sharing of data on fatal pathogens is a major global health challenge for scientists since the 21st century. From the research on the field of influenza, we can sum up many important things. The lessons, of course, also encourage us to develop innovative models to share research data related to influenza over the past 10 years.
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