Common corn herbicide injury

2 A 4 sodium chloride harm

Such phytotoxicity is mainly manifested by the distortion of the leaves, the leaves of the heart form onion-like curls, and abnormal elongation. The base of the stem swells, the roots of the aerial roots do not come out, and the non-artificial detachment tassels cannot be extracted. Leaves dark green, serious plants dwarf, leaves yellow, dry; fruit position can not form ear, so often grow in the lower plant nodes; the lower internode vulnerability fragile, roots underdeveloped, root short amount, The irregular growth of lateral roots has a great impact on the yield, and even no harvest.

Amide herbicides

Acetochlor is a broad-spectrum, high-efficiency pre-emergence herbicide for pre-emergence soil spraying. Gramineous weeds are absorbed by young shoots. Broad-leaved weeds are taken up by roots and young shoots. Agents that enter the body can interfere with nucleic acid metabolism and protein synthesis, causing sprouts and young roots to stop growing and eventually die. It can last for 2 months in soil. Amide herbicides can inhibit plant respiration and photosynthesis, inhibit the biosynthesis of proteins and RNA, and make plants unable to produce the substances needed for life; these herbicides can only control the sprouts of grass weeds, but not Control adult weeds. The field dosages of alachlor, metolachlor and acetochlor are 120-144 g, 72-144 g, and 25-50 g of active ingredients per mu, respectively; excessive usage will cause dwarfing of corn plants. Some seeds can not be excavated, growth is inhibited, the leaves deformed, the leaf curl can not be stretched, sometimes whip-like, the remaining leaves shrink, rhizome section swelling. Soil viscosity, cold and wet land can promote the formation of drug injury.

Atrazine herbicide injury

The main drugs used are Atrazine (Atrazine), Securin, and Cypermethrin, which can effectively control annual grass weeds and broad-leaved weeds in the field, and is safer to use in corn fields. However, heavy rain may cause heavy leaching in sandy soil or soil with low organic matter content (below 2%). The post-emergence application of corn at the five-leaf stage will also cause phytotoxicity to maize under low temperature and rain conditions. The performance of yellow corn leaves. Generally 10 to 15 days after the leaf color can turn green, restore normal growth.

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