Simplify peak tracking and co-elution detection using mass spectrometry and UV chromatography systems

Paula Hong and Patricia R McConville

Waters Corporation

Application advantage
■ Combine mass spectrometry and UV spectroscopy to enable peak tracking and co-eluting peak identification in a single run. ■ Flexible software combined with the ACQUITY UPLC H-Class Quaternary System adjusts mobile phase pH via Auto•Blend Plus ■ This software simplifies the data analysis process by analyzing UV and mass spectral data in the same workflow

Waters Solutions
ACQUITY UPLC® H-Class System and Auto•Blend Plus TM
ACQUITY® QDa Detector
Empower® 3 Software FR2

Key words
Peak identification, total outflow peak, quaternary solvent manager, Auto•Blend Plus, analgesics

The development of reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) separation methods typically requires many time consuming steps, including a large number of data processing procedures. Many screening protocols rely on UV detection, but a single detection technique does not provide sufficient loss peaks and co-eluting peak information.

It is difficult to distinguish isobaric compounds using mass spectrometry detectors. In addition, trace compounds may be lost due to background interference, and some important sample components may not be ionized. Compounds that do not contain chromophores are not capable of UV peak tracking, so the spectrum cannot be reliably identified. When co-elution occurs, it is often difficult to identify which spectra in the spectrum are "accumulated." When there is a very large difference in concentration, the line of trace compounds in the co-elution may disappear completely. Finally, especially when the pH changes, the UV spectrum is susceptible to changes due to the solvation color effect. These all illustrate the difficulty of using a single detection technique for method development.

To address these challenges, a variety of detectors can be used to analyze individual samples, each for different physicochemical properties. By integrating the detector response into a single software interface, data analysis can be simplified with a streamlined platform.

To download the full application note, please click: http://?cid=511436&lid=134775584&locale=zh_CN

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