Inflammation during pregnancy is closely related to infant brain development
April 12, 2018 Source: Science and Technology Daily
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Inflammation during pregnancy, whether caused by infection, injury or other factors, has been associated with an increased risk of physical and mental health of the baby. However, this relationship is difficult to observe directly in humans.
This time, the research team of the Oregon Health and Science University and the University of California, Irvine, tracked 84 women from pregnancy to early postpartum. They first measured the concentration of inflammatory protein in the blood during the early, middle and late stages of pregnancy. After maternal production, they used functional magnetic resonance imaging to measure the brain activity of each infant at rest to determine the pattern of neonatal brain network organization. By the time the baby is two years old, the baby's working memory, the ability of short-term memory, is tested through a task, which is an important aspect of reliable assessment of executive function.
Using machine learning techniques, the researchers found a strong correlation between neonatal brain tissue and working memory during childhood and maternal inflammation levels. The high level of maternal inflammation, especially in the later stages of pregnancy, indicates that the working memory of young children is poor.
The researchers also stressed that the current study did not establish a direct causal relationship between inflammation during pregnancy and brain tissue patterns in infants, but it confirmed the important impact of pregnancy inflammation on neonatal brain development. (Reporter Zhang Mengran)
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