[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

After reading this, Microsoft's medical black technology invention, we have to make such a sigh!

[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

In early July, Microsoft announced that they have used DNA storage technology to save about 200MB of data. This 200MB data includes a high-definition MV from the OK Go rock band and a translation into more than 100 languages. The Declaration, as well as 100 e-books, and finally, a seed database of the Global Crop Diversity Fund. . .

[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

Although the DNA storage technology researched by Microsoft is more complicated and difficult in terms of technical implementation, it is well understood in principle, and can be basically divided into the following three steps:

In the first step, the DNA double helix strand is opened, and the four base pairs A, C, G, and T are opened.

[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

In the second step, the files to be stored are paired with the four bases A, C, G, and T in a binary code form, and then naturally arranged in a quaternary manner. . .

[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

In the third step, the aligned base pairs are implanted on the DNA single helix, thus forming a complete sequence of files stored in a special medium.

[Video] Microsoft has also pulled out medical black technology: each of us is a mobile U disk!

When reading is required, only the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to select the fragment we want to read. Finally, the DNA is converted from quaternary encoding to binary encoding, and the files we store can be The computer reads it out.

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