Progress in research on life and health big data in Beijing Genomics Institute
January 10, 2018 Source: Beijing Genomics Institute
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Since the 1960s, international bioinformatics scientists have established a series of databases. Especially in the 1990s, with the development of the Human Genome Project and the popularity of the network around the world, the number and volume of databases increased rapidly, forming a number of international big data centers represented by NCBI, EBI, DDBJ, etc. With the continuous development of sequencing technology, China has become one of the largest producers of international genomic data, but most of the scholastic data produced in China must be submitted to foreign databases for recognition. According to the statistics of Database Commons database, the total number of database resources in China has ranked second in the world, but most of the databases are not long-term operation and maintenance, and there is a serious lack of in-depth manual review, and the database content is marginalized. The end result is that the quality of a large number of database resources is not high. The rate is low.
The Beijing Institute of Genomics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is facing the national big data development strategy and technology innovation strategy, establishing the Big Data Center for Life and Health, establishing a research system for bio-big data storage, integration and mining analysis. The GSA (Genome Sequence Archive) database has been developed. Learning data storage and sharing services, and international standards, stored data has been supported by Cell, Nature Communications, PNAS, Genome Research and other magazine articles published, built China's biological big data exchange sharing platform, after the NCBI, EBI, DDBJ Four integrated genome authoritative databases. At the same time, a data resource system for bio-big data multi-level omics is also built, including Genome Warehouse, Genome Variation Map, Gene Expression Nebulas, Methylation Bank, and Bio-Knowledge Database. Wikis have played an important supporting role in the development of scientific research and industrial innovation in China.
The research was funded by the National Key Research and Development Program, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Program, the Chinese Academy of Sciences International Science Program, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Hundred Talents Program.
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