World Hepatitis Day: Number of People with Hepatitis C in China Rising Year by Year into Main Causes of Liver Cancer

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 27 (Yan Shan) On the 28th is the World Hepatitis Day. The theme of this year is "Understanding Hepatitis, Act Now". In recent years, the continuous increase in the number of patients suffering from hepatitis C has aroused public concern. According to statistics from the World Health Organization in 2015, the global positive rate of hepatitis C antibodies is about 3%, and about 150 million people are infected with hepatitis C virus. The number of hepatitis C virus infections in China is estimated at nearly 15 million.

"From the point of view of the growth rate of reported cases, hepatitis C has exceeded hepatitis B, but 95% of hepatitis C patients do not know that they have been infected." Hu Zhongjie, chief physician of liver department at Beijing Youan Hospital, Capital Medical University, said in an interview with Due to the onset of acute hepatitis C, most patients have no obvious symptoms and can easily be ignored. The chronicity of acute hepatitis C can reach 55% to 85%. Many patients with hepatitis C develop unconsciously into end-stage liver disease, such as Cirrhosis or liver cancer. Therefore, hepatitis C is often referred to as the "silent killer", and the priority of prevention and treatment of hepatitis C is to raise awareness of the general public and screening as soon as possible.

China's Chronic Hepatitis C Existence of "Three Lows" High-risk Groups Is Easy to "Catch"

Compared with hepatitis B known to everyone, Hepatitis C is “unknown” and there is a phenomenon of “three lows,” namely, low cognitive rate, low diagnostic rate, and low treatment rate. According to a public survey conducted by the Chinese Hepatitis Prevention Foundation in recent years, only 38% of people have heard of hepatitis C, far lower than the awareness of hepatitis A (91%) and hepatitis B (95%), and more than three-quarters The respondents did not know that Hepatitis C can be cured. Hu Zhongjie's analysis: "China is a 'hepatitis B big country', hepatitis B prevention is often the focus of attention, in the routine physical examination is generally only check the hepatitis B, do not check hepatitis C. Most of the patients with chronic hepatitis C are diagnosed, have been in the late stage of disease development, Such as liver cirrhosis or liver cancer, some experts have reported that only less than 2% of patients with chronic hepatitis C diagnosed have received interferon-based antiviral therapy.”

In fact, even if the physical examination results showed that the liver function was normal and the antiviral treatment did not remove the virus, the patient's condition continued to progress. Therefore, clinical screening for hepatitis C should be emphasized, mainly screening hepatitis C antibody. If the antibody is positive, hepatitis C virus nucleic acid testing should be performed in time to confirm whether hepatitis C virus is still present. Hu Zhongjie pointed out that the route of transmission of hepatitis C and hepatitis B is basically the same, namely, blood transmission, sexual transmission and mother-to-child transmission, of which blood transmission is the most important one. The sharing of needles with intravenous drugs; the introduction of blood or blood products contaminated with hepatitis C virus, the use of needles that are contaminated with hepatitis C virus, and that have not been strictly disinfected, and medical and cosmetic equipment can all lead to the spread of menstrual blood. “Now young people like tattoos and ear piercings, but they do not know that these methods are potential means of transmission of menstrual blood.” To this end, Hu Zhongjie reminded: nine high-risk groups should attach importance to the screening of hepatitis C: a history of blood transfusion or blood products, especially Transfused patients and organ transplant recipients before 1992; Repeated hemodialysis patients; Non-disposable syringes shared among drug users; Intravenous drug users; HIV-infected persons; Hepatitis C-infected children; Dirty Actors; Those who share razors and toothbrushes with Hepatitis C infections; Those who have not had strict disinfection, such as dentures, fillings, tattoos, eyebrows, and pierced ears, should be screened for six months or one year.

"In recent years, with the improvement of inspection methods and the increase in people's awareness of prevention, more and more hepatitis C patients have been screened through clinical screening. This has led to a rapid increase in the number of reported hepatitis C." Hu Zhongjie said, "However, the number of reported cases has increased. It does not represent an increase in the number of new infections. A significant portion of the current hepatitis C cases examined and reported are cases of previous infections.

Hepatitis C focuses on timely and standard treatment

Although the hepatitis C epidemic is terribly hidden, it also has its own "personality" - it is a curable disease, that is, antiviral therapy is effective, and hepatitis C virus is still not detected at the 12th and 24th weeks after drug withdrawal. For a sustained virologic response of 12 weeks and 12 weeks, a sustained virologic response is a clinical cure. "A lot of patients seek quick results, listen to remedies, and receive erroneous and useless treatment, leading to the loss of optimal treatment timing, and even worsen their condition." Hu Zhongjie said that China's "Guidelines for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis C" pointed out that pegylated interferon The combined application of alpha and ribavirin is still the most important antiviral treatment in China at this stage. Clinical data showed that patients with chronic hepatitis C in China were treated with pegylated interferon combined with ribavirin for 48 weeks, and nearly 80% of patients were able to obtain better clinical curative effect.

Hu Zhongjie pointed out that "in recent years, a variety of oral antiviral drugs against hepatitis C have been developed internationally, called direct antiviral drugs (DAA), including some protease inhibitors or polymerase inhibitors, which can be used at the beginning of more than 97%. Treatment of patients with good clinical curative effect.At present, some DAAs have completed phase III clinical trials in China, will soon be approved for clinical use, hepatitis C patients will have more treatment options.”

Hepatitis C Without Effective Vaccine Prevention Needs to Be Started From Everyday Life

Due to the lack of effective vaccines, compared with hepatitis B, the prevention of hepatitis C depends more on patient screening, treatment, and people's behavioral self-control. "The best way to protect the liver is still in daily prevention." Hu Zhongjie pointed out that, first, drugs should be rejected and needles should not be used to inject drugs. Second, when sick, try to go to a regular hospital for medical treatment, and strictly sterilize dental instruments, endoscopes, and other medical devices. Finally, individuals should develop good hygiene habits, not tattooing, eyebrow tattooing, eye liners, and piercing holes in unsafe places. If family members or friends have acquired hepatitis C, they shouldn’t be too nervous, as long as they don’t share hygiene equipment such as toothbrushes, dental cups, and razors, they will not be infected.

In addition, Hu Zhongjie reminded that contact with hepatitis C patients in daily life and work, such as shaking hands, hugs, ritual kissing, sharing tableware and drinking glasses, sharing of labor tools, office supplies, coins, and other contact without skin damage or blood exposure Spread the hepatitis C virus. Cough, sneezing, and mosquito bite all do not spread hepatitis C virus.

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